Fee: $495.00
If the property is a condominium: Add $100.00
If the vendor(s) does not have a current Real Estate Property Report/compliance: Add $100.00
Fees (includes payout of existing mortgage on title): $495.00
Additional payouts (per payout): Add $25.00 each
Fee: $495.00
Mortgage: $450.00
Subsequent mortgage(s): Add $250.00
In the following situations, additional real estate lawyer fees apply.
Within three weeks or less of the closing date:
(Add $100.00)
Within two weeks or less of the closing date:
(Add $200.00)
Within one week or less of the closing date:
(Add $250.00)
If title insurance is required either by the lender or to facilitate closing the transaction on time, an additional fee of $150.00 to $300.00 applies. On request, we can obtain title insurance on your behalf or provide more information about property insurance.
Get started today by contacting us online or by phone to request a FREE, no-obligation introductory consultation with a property attorney at Kiriak Law.